Look Before You Hop Part 3


Screw it, I got bored, double-post this time.


  1. Lol, nothing wrong with posting more!
    It's a really great start.

    1. Hey, glad to see you here Alex. I've got more parts written, just giving it time to see if I want to change them up before posting. Stay tuned!

    2. That's awesome!
      Take all the time you need.
      Captions can be a real challenge.

    3. My biggest challenge is not re-writing things all the time. I'll write one out, scrutinizing it meticulously as I go, then completely re-do it after re-reading it a dozen times. What's looking like part 5 has been almost completely rebooted 3 times.

    4. Yeah, that can be a real challenge.
      I find sometimes it is better to find a friend I trust to re-read it.
      That way I'm not scrutinizing everything I write and actually post when I can. lol

    5. All my friends would be weirded out by this for one reason or another. Not so much because it's suggestive or w/e, but because I'm writing it. I run it through an online text reader and listen for mistakes and/or bad dialogue.

    6. Yeah, sometimes hearing it read aloud does help for sure.
      In the end you just need to do what you feel comfortable with.

  2. Good captions, please continue the series

    1. Oh I will. I have several more parts written, I just proof read and change things a lot before posting. Part 4's shorter, and will likely be up in 4-5 hours from now.


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