
Ryan's New Trick Pt. 3

  So much for having " something to share by this upcoming Monday!" Sorry all, figuring out how I wanted to write again took much longer than anticipated. In writing these, I think I'll be knocking the Ryan story down to eight parts like LBYH instead of the twelve I thought about doing originally. That way I can have more time for other stuff down the road. Regardless, I'm happy with the results above and hope you will be too.  Thanks for reading my stuff, and please don't forget to tell me what you think in the comments. Any criticism is welcomed; just try not to be an ass about it, yeah? Prologue Part 1 Part 2  

New Update

Hey everyone... all two of you by now, I'm sure. It's been awhile, hasn't it?  Sorry for taking over a year to do anything with the page, I just haven't had the time or motivation. And frankly, for a few months in there I'd almost completely forgotten I had this. Anyway, on with the actual update. If you don't care about details, skip to the end.  Let's start with the not-so-good news.  - I've lost most of my previous work and material. Unreleased captions, drafts, images, notes, character bios, unused story ideas, all of it. As such, I'll need some time to essentially restart from scratch before I can do any bigger projects I had in mind, like continuing Ryan's New Trick.   - Due to the long hiatus, I barely remember how to use my caption-making software. Plus, it's been updated... a lot. I remember it having a steep learning curve before, so I can't imagine this'll be a quick (nor painless) process. You'll have to bear with me....

Quick Update

    Hey all, just wanted to drop a brief update. I know I've been quiet for a few months now and going from posting every few days to not at all out of the blue seems like a dick move to me so I figured I should explain myself. I got a new job shortly before starting this page and as of these past few months it's been keeping me running and busy one way or another. Temporary position changes, working from home, new policies, blah blah blah.     Between that and my perfectionist attitude towards my captions making the process slow, I just can't get into the zone like I was initially. I'd rather sit down to write a caption and finish it an hour or so later than do a few minutes here and there over time, it's just not the same feeling for me.    Hopefully I'll eventually post here and there if I ever find the drive and time, but as of right now I don't know what'll happen. I'd really like to finish the Ryan story, but I've lost my train of thou...


  Decided to take a short break from the Ryan story. I'm not really sure where I want it to go right now, so until I figure that out I'll be putting up one-off's I've been writing on and off. You know the drill; let me know what you think, comment below, blah blah blah, the usual.

Ryan's New Trick Pt. 2

  Prologue Part 1

Ryan's New Trick Pt. 1

  "o boje moi," a close English spelling for "о, боже мой," Russian for "oh my god." Figured I should translate any Russian I throw in. Prologue

Ryan's New Trick - Prologue

In case you can't tell, this'll be the beginning of a new series. Idk if I'll work on this exclusively until it's done or release entries gradually over the next few months. Whatever the case, I'm kind of excited about this one. I plan on making it longer than my previous one; it'll most likely be twelve parts (maybe not including this one, we'll see) as opposed to eight, with each part being two caps just like parts five-eight of Look Before You Hop were.  As per usual, please let me know what you think. I'm still new, so any criticism you can give is appreciated. Trust me, you can't be more scrutinizing of my work than I am myself.

That was Tough


Make Us Feel Young Again

I was initially gonna post last Friday, but I wasn't quite sure how I wanted the story to go here. What're the possessers' relation to each other and their targets? How are the targets related, or are they at all? Expect to get less captions in the near future than I've been doing; three a week was fun for awhile, but I don't want to burn myself out on these. As always, let me know what you think!  One more thing quick. Be honest, how many of you are here because of the link on Body Swap Fiction? I saw it the other day and thought that it'd definitely explain the higher-than-expected viewer counts on a new page.

Another Failed Attempt


Happy Anniversary... Dumbass


I'll Prove it 2 U

 Probably could've done a better job scaling the images to make the texts bigger, but w/e. It's late when I'm making this and I'm still new at the whole caption thing.